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8 Best Outdoor Activities Around Ontario – Close to Toronto

Ontario in Canada pictures a province near cities, attracting many local and foreign tourists to  be closer to nature. In just a few hours, travelers can reach the place, leaving major urban  centers to hike or ride a boat.  



Are you planning to visit and have outdoor activities in Ontario? Are you staying in Toronto – city with several amazing vegan bakeries, Ottawa, or any other major city around the province? Do you live in Quebec or Manitoba and  would like to explore your neighbor province?  

Here’s a quick guide to the different activities you can do to make the most of your vacation  days with nature. 



(NOTE: Here you will also find a map with all the places mentioned in the Ontario Activities List below. You can view this map here or after the list in the Activities Map section.)


  1. Hiking around Ontario 

One of the most sought outdoor adventure activities in Ontario is hiking. It has more than  80,000 kilometers of trails, perfect for outdoor adventures such as walking, mountain biking,  and hiking.  

For the most part, national parks, conservation areas, and provincial parks are open for  hiking. Ontario hiking showcases the finest walking and hiking trails in the province. 

Hiking in Algonquin Park is a fun way to be closer to nature. This provincial park has wilder  and bigger natural wonders than other parks with 7,635 square kilometers of magnificent  forests, lakes, bogs, and rivers. In Ontario, you can’t leave without experiencing an  unforgettable hiking experience. 



  1. Zip Lining Ontario’s several treetop 

Zip lining brings a heart-throbbing experience for outdoor adventurers. Aside from Mexico, Costa Rica, Belize, and Peru, Ontario offers plenty of opportunities to go ziplining.  Ontario’s several treetop aerial adventure parks take pride in their thrilling ziplines, providing  fun adventure activities. 

The fastest and highest single zipline in Canada is located in Ontario. The place also has the  longest twin zipline and quad zipline. You can reach a speed of 70 kilometers per hour in  zipline with dynamically controlled technology to steady your pace. 



  1. Rafting, Kayaking, And Canoeing 

If you’re looking for fun water outdoor activities, Ontario offers popular ones such as rafting,  kayaking, and canoeing. You can find many places to rent the right equipment you’ll need to  explore the waterways with great enjoyment.  

In addition, you can find local companies offering lake and river tours such as dinner cruises,  allowing you to enjoy the beautiful scenery with a meal. 


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  1. Bungee Jumping

One of the extreme adventures is bungee diving. Ontario boasts its bungee jumping areas  such as the highest bungee jump in Canada at 200 feet, even higher than the Great Pyramids  of Egypt.  



You must be at least 18 years old to be able to qualify for a bungee jump. If you’re below 18  years old, parental consent is necessary with an accompanying legal guardian. 



  1. Skydiving  

For extreme adventure activities in Ontario, you can try skydiving. You’ll find several  parachuting facilities located here. They offer tutorials for skydiving using the safest and  most modern methods. 

For skydiving, the acceptable weight range is 90 to 220 pounds. Anything more or less isn’t  acceptable. The minimum age requirement for a tandem skydive is at least 16 years old,  which would need parental consent and the presence of a legal guardian. 



  1. Boating and Fishing 

You can enjoy boating and fishing, as well as explore islands in between Southeastern  Ontario and the Northern New York State in the US, along the St. Lawrence River.  Experience the nature lover’s paradise with endless shorelines and green forests. You can  book a river cruise or charter a fishing boat easily. 



  1. Scuba Diving in Ontario!  

Canada has the best seawater and saltwater diving spots in the world. Some of the  recommended scuba diving sites include British Columbia, Newfoundland, and Ontario.  There are scuba diving facilities offering tutorials for those who want to become professional  scuba divers

A unique way to explore Ontario is scuba diving, unleashing the beauty of the underwater  right before your eyes. The temperature of the water in the St. Lawrence River is quite  comfortable, varying from 20 to 23 degrees Celsius. 

Another diving spot is Tobermory, a marine park located in Georgian Bay. It has over a  hundred feet of scuba diving area, allowing you to explore the famous shipwrecks of the  Niagara II which has been underwater since 1999. 



  1. ATV in the Niagara Region 

Ontario is also the home for all-terrain vehicle (ATV) experience. In the Niagara Region, one  can legally ride ATV on a private property, a crown land, and along the Quad Niagara trail  system.  

With ATV, you can navigate the dense backwoods of Ontario much easier than using  conventional vehicles.



Activity Map: Things to do outdoors in Ontario

Here is a map with the exact location of the activities mentioned. this way, you can plan your itinerary and better plan your displacement and transportation. (just click on the map below to zoom in).




The proximity of Ontario to urban centers is one of its greatest advantages, turning the area  into a great outdoor adventure capital. You can enjoy the thrill of outdoor adventures in  Ontario by hiking, bungee jumping, and trying water activities.  

In addition, you’ll get to watch marine creatures through scuba diving and explore beautiful  landmarks while sailing in a boat.


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