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7 Best International Health Insurances for Expats & Immigrants

If you’re moving or living abroad, then you need expat/international health insurance! But there’s a lot of insurance options out there, so it’s hard to know what to choose. Check out this article to learn about the best options (with pros & cons) and see tables comparing the most important features of each insurance plan.



Picture by saturnism, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

So you’re going to live abroad….congrats! Happy for you!

Living, working, or going to school in a foreign country can be an exciting experience. And you’ll join thousands of people just like you who have the chance to explore the world outside of their home countries. But as you make plans to get that visa and schedule that doctor’s visit for vaccinations, there’s another important thing you want to make sure you don’t forget about: expat/international health insurance.


Update regarding Health Insurance for Expats and Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Most of you are already aware of the new coronavirus (also known as COVID-19 pandemic). And I so guess a lot of you are asking yourselves if your international health insurance covers you if you catch coronavirus.

Well, I’m not a doctor, a scientist, and I don’t work for a health insurance company. But from my research, there are usually 2 cases where you are covered by your international health insurance for expats if you contract Coronavirus:

1) You will be covered by virtually all health insurance companies and plans up to the moment you go to the hospital or doctor with flu-kind of symptoms and get your first treatment. If you’re diagnosed with coronavirus, then some health insurance policies might not cover you depending on which country you are. 

2) Since the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic, some international health insurances have exceptions in their coverage. Others follow the CDC (Center for Disease and Control) guidelines for countries with level 3 warnings. 

To know more about COVID-19 pandemic coverage from the international health insurance companies mentioned below (Signa, IMG, Seven corners), please check my article Does International Health and Travel Insurance cover Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Alternatively, you can use the links to the companies provided below and get the most accurate and updated information from their websites. 

What is expat/international health insurance?

International health insurance for expats and immigrants covers your medical expenses while you’re living in another country long-term. Usually, it’ll cover you for a wide range of healthcare – from medical emergencies to just preventative healthcare.



As you’ll see down below, this is NOT the same as travel insurance and it’s not something you’ll want to skip.

Why do I need international medical insurance for expats and immigrants?

Just like you need health insurance at home, you also need health insurance if you plan on living in another country for more than 6 months. And many countries also require proof of medical insurance before they grant you a visa or work permit (you’ll find more about this in the “expat/international health insurance for immigration” section down below).

While you’re living abroad, you’ll still need to have regular physicals, treat any health issues when they come up, and have a plan in place in case you have a health emergency. So you will need a medical insurance that works overseas.

You may be able to get healthcare through an employer if you are being sent to another country to work, but not always. So, make sure you check with the company to find out if they have an international health plan in place for you and your family.

The good news is that you can buy an immigrant/expat insurance plan that mimics the coverage you have already at home and will give you comprehensive health coverage worldwide.

All of these international health plans I recommend below can be modified whether you are a single traveler or need family coverage.

Why can’t I just make sure I’m healthy before I leave?

Hopefully, you’ll visit your doctor before you leave your home country. But you also need to take care of yourself while you’re away. And if you have pre-existing conditions or are on maintenance medications, they won’t be covered in another country.

And as we all know…accidents happen (I broke my toe once in South Korea, I’ve met travelers who fell off their skateboard, anyone who’s spent time abroad has probably encountered food poisoning, etc.). So you want to make sure you’re covered when they do.

Why can’t I just keep the health insurance I already have at home?

Your health insurance from back home won’t cover you while you live in another country long-term. And if you aren’t a citizen of the country you will be moving to, you won’t be covered by its public healthcare system.

Can I just use travel insurance for healthcare while living abroad?

In general, no. Travel insurance is typically purchased for stays that are less than 6 months in a single country (although you can get longer plans for several countries if you’re a tourist).

Here’s a bit more info on travel insurance versus expat/international health insurance below.

Difference between travel insurance & expat/international health insurance

Travel insurance:


To learn more about travel insurance, check out our article with the 3 Best and Cheapest Travel Insurance Companies.


Expat/international/immigrant/overseas health insurance:

Expat/international health insurance for immigration and applying for residence permits/visa

In most countries, to get a temporary or permanent resident visa, you will need to prove that you are covered by some kind of international health insurance (and no, they won’t just accept travel insurance).

We all know immigration can be a bit tricky, so make sure the expat/international health insurance policy you are buying meets the immigration office requirements of the country you are moving to. You may be able to find this info online, otherwise, you’ll probably want to contact them directly.


Personal experience using expat/international health insurance for immigration in Sweden (hint: it’s not always easy):

When Nikki moved to Sweden from the United States, she needed to prove to the immigration that she was covered by an international health insurance to get her temporary residence permit. She bought a policy from one of the companies below, and it was accepted by immigration.

But then when she applied for her tax number through the Swedish tax office and needed to show proof of international health insurance again, this same policy wasn’t accepted and she had to purchase a new one with a different company.

If this is an issue you think you might run into, be sure to look into the cancellation policies of each insurance company. Then, even if immigration rejects the insurance plan you have, you won’t lose too much by canceling your current plan and buying a new one. 

What should I look for in an overseas healthcare plan for expatriates?

While the plan you choose will depend on the kind of coverage you need while you live as an immigrant/expat, here are some of the basic things they should include:


We’ve compared our three favorite expat/immigration insurance options for you to check out below. All offer basic coverage for inpatient care and routine doctor’s visits, emergency evacuations, and 24/7 customer service.

Dental and vision will cost you more. If you are pregnant or plan on expanding your family while you’re in another country, you’ll have to buy the most expensive plans.

And just remember that the less expensive your plan is, the less coverage you’ll get.

So, make sure that you do your research in order to find the right plan that works for you.

Who do these international health insurances work for?

For these citizens living abroad as expats or immigrants:

And for citizens from almost every other country living abroad


For expats/immigrants living in:

And for expats living in almost any other country in the world

In other words, no matter your citizenship or which country you are moving to, most of these international health plans will work for you since they are truly global insurances.


Some questions to ask yourself before you buy expat/international medical insurance:

Do you need a private room if you’re admitted to a hospital?

Are you planning on starting a family or expanding your family?

Do you have any pre-existing conditions or are you on any medications you need to continue while living in another country?

Are you willing to pay a higher deductible for lower premiums?


Note: If you aren’t really an expat/immigrant but an international student at a school or college/university overseas, then I suggest you take a look at my article with the 3 Best and Cheapest Health Insurance for International Students and Exchanges/Study Abroad.



The 7 Best Companies for Expat Insurance/International Healthcare Plans

As always, my suggestion is that you get an online quote with all these companies I suggest. It’s a few minutes process but it can save you a lot of money when you find the cheapest option for your specific case.

    1. Cigna   

What I like:


What I didn’t like:



    2. IMG   


IMG sells several kinds of insurance. From travel insurance to health insurance for students to insurance for crew members and, obviously, insurance for expatriates. So when searching on their website, look for health insurance for “Expat / Global Citizen.”


What I like:


What I didn’t like:


COVID-19 is considered by the company as any other illness or injury, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.


    3. Now Health International   

As the name implies, Now Health International’s mission is to offer an efficient, affordable, and quickly accessible service, and nothing better than now for this.

Therefore, the focus of this company is very much on the relationship with the customer. Plan information is provided in a clear and agile manner and any possible queries are resolved by the company’s customer support team.

Now Health plans are designed to meet the daily challenges of those living abroad, providing guidance and providing quality healthcare around the world.


What I like:


What I don’t like:


  4. Allianz Worldwide Care

German company Allianz is one of the  biggest players in the world of insurance. So obviously, we can’t leave them out of the list when writing about options for international health insurance companies. 



Here are a few of the things that I appreciate and didn’t like about Allianz. 

What I liked: 

What I didn’t like: 


   5. Safety Wing

Safety Wing is one of the largest companies for overseas health insurance, whether for students, digital nomads, and, of course, expats. Their site is easy to use and you can get a quote for their plans based on your age, length of stay, and countries covered. 


What I like: 


What I didn’t like: 


Safety Wing also covers COVID-19 in their expat insurance plans. And as of August 1st, 2020, this coverage is available for their nomad plans. 

However, COVID-19 tests are only covered when they are deemed necessary by a doctor. Antibody tests, on the other hand, are never covered as they are not medically necessary.


     6. Foyer Global Health

Part of the Foyer Group, a huge European enterprise, Global Health is specialized in many types of insurance – from travel insurance to expat and student insurance. Beyond being a reliable and well-known company, it may also have the largest variety of personalized plans for you to choose from. 

What I like: 


What I didn’t like: 


     7. Global Underwriters

Another good insurance option for expatriates and immigrants is Global Underwriters, they have been in the market for years offering differentiated plans for travelers from all over the world.

The best plans for expatriates are Diplomat Long Term and Diplomat International, both of which serve the needs of residents in foreign countries very well and have very complete coverage.


What I like:


What I didn’t like: 


3 Bonus options for Expat International Insurance plans:

   – GeoBlue

GeoBlue is an excellent choice of insurance for expatriates, and if you are a resident of or visitor to the United States it is the perfect choice. This company meets the highest quality standards and is among the leaders in its category.

What I like: 


What I didn’t like: 


GeoBlue offers unlimited telemedicine consultations completely free of charge for members of its plans with Covid-19 questions. If requested by a physician, the company also covers clinical testing and treatment for Covid-19


   – Seven Corners Liaison Majestic

As with IMG, Seven Corners also has medical insurance for travelers, students, faculty,  and others. 


What I like:


What I don’t like:


    – Aetna (acquired by Allianz)

Aetna is a company that makes it a priority to provide its customers with services that are in line with their actual needs. For this reason, this company works with a variety of plans tailored to expatriates and citizens living in various countries around the world.

What I like: 


What I didn’t like: 


Aetna International fully covers the cost of Covid-19 treatment and testing for members of some of its plans, such as Medicare. To find out which plans are covered, you need to contact the company.

Do you consider yourself a “global citizen,” or are you a digital nomad and need medical insurance that will follow you worldwide?

If so, the insurance above works for you too. The 7 international health insurances listed are ideal for digital nomads or any person who keeps living all over the world and doesn’t have a fixed country of residency. After all, “global citizens” deserve global health insurance!


Quick summary comparison of the 7 international health insurance plans:


Silver – $1 million                           BRONZE – $1 million The values of the limits increase depending on the length of the insurance contract The coverage amounts may change according to your choices Annual benefit maximum of US $1,000,000 Personalized plans for you or your family  Maximum annual benefit of $1,000,000.00
Gold – $2 million                           SILVER – $5 million Aetna’s plans may cover cancer treatments when the patient is part of a clinical trial. Full reimbursement for hospital & cancers treatments, ambulance, and reconstructive surgeries Value of total coverage is something you can customize per item Up to $1,000,000 coverage in cases of accidental death or dismemberment
Platinum – Unlimited  GOLD – FOR COVERAGE UP TO 36 MONTHS – $5 million Value of total coverage is something you can customize per item
GOLD PLUS – $5 million
PLATINUM – $8 million

A complete table comparing these 7 health insurances for expats…

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Benefit Information
Medical Maximum Unlimited (for the Platinum plan) $8,000,000 The site doesn’t specify  Unlimited US$1,000,000 per year The site doesn’t specify  $1,000,000
U.S. In-Network Coinsurance You choose. From 70%(100% thereafter) to 100% 100% No 60% for maximum coinsurance and then 100% Yes, for higher fees Only in emergencies Yes
U.S. Out-of-Network Coinsurance You choose. From 70%(100% thereafter) to 100% 90% to $5,000 (100% thereafter) Yes, for higher fees 100% 100% 100% 100%
Mental Health Availability No waiting period 12-month waiting period Co-payment of $25 per visit, waived deductible 75% up to 40 visits / 60% after that No Waiting period of 10 months Depends on the plan
Mental Health Benefit Inpatient and Outpatient: $5,000 lifetime maximum to paid in full depending on the plan Inpatient and Outpatient: $50,000 lifetime maximum Co-payment of $250 after deductible 100% up to 60 days International and ambulance: limit not specified
Inpatient Prescription Drugs $500 to paid in full depending on the plan Up to $8,000,000 Yes Complete reimbursement Yes Yes
Outpatient Prescription Drugs None, unless you buy the International Outpatient Option Up to $8,000,000 Complete reimbursement Yes Yes
Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains Paid in full Up to $8,000,000 Yes Up to $25,000 No Up to 10,000 euros  Yes
Accidental Death & Dismemberment Depends on the plan Rider available, limit depends on age. $50,000 Depends on the plan
Emergency Dental Paid in full Up to $8,000,000 Optional 1,000 per year, $ 200 per tooth Yes, however you need to pay an extra fee on top of your plan Depending on the plan, it’s unlimited It has coverage in the Diplomat Long Term and Diplomat International plans
Treatment Necessary as Result of Terrorism Up to the amount of the coverage Rider available up to $50,000-lifetime maximum Clause available up to maximum of $50,000 in lifetime payments
Amateur Sports Unlimited Rider available up to $10,000 No Yes No No No
Newborn Care
Routine Nursery Care of a Newborn Child of a Covered Pregnancy $25,000 to $156,000 depending on the plan $1,000 additional deductible, $50,000 lifetime maximum, $200 wellness benefit for first 12 months Yes Depends on the plan Can be unlimited depending on the plan Can be unlimited depending on the plan
Children born as a result of fertility treatment (such as IVF or surrogacy) Only after the baby is 90 days old Excluded Depends on the plan Excluded No
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Check website for updated information $250,000 maximum for first 31 days No Up to $250,000 for the first 31 days  No
Pre-existing Conditions
Pre-existing condition exclusion period Conditions that are fully disclosed on the application and have not been excluded or restricted by a rider will be covered as any illness Conditions that are fully disclosed on the application and have not been excluded or restricted by a rider will be covered as any illness Conditions that are fully disclosed on the application and have not been excluded or restricted by a rider will be covered as any illness Conditions that are fully disclosed on the application and have not been excluded or restricted by a rider will be covered as any illness Conditions that are fully disclosed on the application and have not been excluded or restricted by a rider will be covered as any illness Conditions that are fully disclosed on the application and have not been excluded or restricted by a rider will be covered as any illness Conditions that are fully disclosed on the application and have not been excluded or restricted by a rider will be covered as any illness
Pre-existing condition look back period Any time prior to effective date Any time prior to effective date Any time prior to effective date Any time prior to effective date Any time prior to the effective date Any time prior to the effective date Any time prior to the effective date
Pre-existing annual maximum once covered Unlimited depending on the plan Up to $8,000,000 Unlimited depending on the plan Unlimited depending on the plan Full reimbursement Unlimited depending on the plan Unlimited depending on the plan
Pre-existing lifetime maximum once covered Unlimited depending on the plan Up to $8,000,000 Unlimited depending on the plan Unlimited depending on the plan Full reimbursement Unlimited depending on the plan Unlimited depending on the plan

Worldwide Medical Insurance / Comparison Chart*

Part of the table courtesy of Tokio Marine HCC

*Note: this table is just for informational purposes and subject to change. It was accurate as of the time we wrote it here, but please check each company’s individual website for updated info.

To sum up…
These are the 7 best international health insurance for expats and immigrants:

  1. Cigna
  2. IMG
  3. Now Health
  4. Allianz
  5. Safety Wing
  6. Foyer Global Health
  7. Global Underwriters


In conclusion…

The bottom line is if you are going to live in another country temporarily or permanently, you need to get yourself an immigrant/expat health insurance plan.

But we know it can be a little bit overwhelming to choose the right plan. We’ve been through this personally so please, leave a comment below if you have any questions or if there’s anything you think we’ve missed!


Do you live abroad and need to receive or send money back home cheaply?

I have a specific article to help you make international transfers as cheaply as possible: The 5 Best Websites for International Money Transfers (send and receive money from abroad).

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